Yes, we are going PINK… again this year in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Throughout the month of October, Pink Hair is not just a bold style statement here at Main Street Hair Company. It’s a means of spreading awareness and contributing to the funding of Breast Cancer research and treatment. You’re invited to show your support at your next visit to our salon in downtown Lisle. For only $10, you will get a pink strand of human hair (yes you can even curl it…) with free installation and removal when you desire. Place several pieces in your hair and make a statement—for style and Breast Cancer awareness! We will also be offering pink PERMANENT highlights for 10% off… if you’re a little bolder! (pricing starts at $20/foil) At Main Street Hair Company we like to give back; so we want to encourage you to do the same! When you contribute to the cause, we want to say “Thanks” by offering you 10% off a haircut with Pam or Ellen if performed that same day. Join us in taking a stand against Breast Cancer with Pink Hair for Hope! Call and book your appointment to visit us and take advantage of the savings we are offering to our donors. Main Street Hair Company is registered with "Pink Strands for the Cause” by Donna Bella Hair, which donates 50% of the proceeds to National Breast Cancer Foundation!
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December 2024